Sunday, June 26, 2022: A Hot Day in Southern Oregon

We’re having one of our rare 100+ degrees days. Nacho the Pug is having a hard time dealing with it. My solution is to wet him down thoroughly. I’ll take him for a very short walk this evening.

The picture is a section from a TRI-X negative. What I love about it is the grain. This is a straight scan, with no processing.

Getting back into photography, film photography, that is

May 30, Memorial Day, 2022

I started the day by making our lunch. I made a savory sauce, roasted sweet potato cubes, smokey collard greens, and barbecued tempeh. All plants. Not a single animal product. Nobody died for my lunch.

In the afternoon my beloved partner and I walked Nacho in the hills above our house. She brought her Polaroid SX-70 camera and took a few pix using 5-year old film. Surprisingly, some of the pictures demonstrate the dreamy Polaroid glow. When you shoot Polaroid, you are sometimes blessed with happy accidents. That’s life with a 50-year old camera.

In one of the pictures, I’m wearing a new pair of glasses that I bought online, from Zenni. I’m using a temporary prescription for the next few months until my cataract surgeries heal up.

I’m going to get back into photography, in a small way this time. I’ll be putting some photos here from time to time.

Brand names I mentioned in this post just because I like the products. Relax — there’s no kickback coming my way.

Sep 10, Another No-art Day

It’s 7 pm and I’ve just clocked out of my contract job. At this point in the day my biological clock says “Stop! It’s time to shutdown. No more thinking, no more calculating, no more trying and striving. Now’s the time for guilty pleasures.” By “guilty pleasures”, my clock means watching Masterchef, which I will be doing tonight.

Besides guilty pleasures, there’s family time, which starts at 7:30. We take showers, finish up the day’s dishes, and sit down to write the shopping list for tomorrow’s trip to the co-op. I have to decide whether I’ll be cooking something special over the weekend, or will I just eat beans all week?

For the first time in months I’m able to work while Nacho the Pug is in the room. He’s reached the stage where he’s content to sit and chew on his toy at my feet while I’m typing. Until recently he was so devilish that I couldn’t take my eyes off him for a second lest he be tearing all of the pillows off the sofa and generally vandalizing the house. Ah! It’s so peaceful tonight.

Pug Wearing a Victorian Collar

Nacho came home from the vet today. He’s modeling a fashionable collar that’s all the rage at the Animal Hospital. It’s definitely slimming. I’m thinking that I might look even more handsome if I had a really cool plastic collar.

No Art today. I don’t like writing those words, but it just wasn’t in the cards. Instead, I spent my working hours on my contract job out there in the Real World. As you already know, the Real World is a serious mistress who doesn’t tolerate her minions doing drawing and reading art books when they could be doing business chores. But, no matter. Once Hollywood agents start a bidding war for my Easter Island children’s book, I’ll show the Real World my heels.

Chore Day, April 24, 2021: Puppy Day


Nacho the Pug…that’s what today was about. In the few spare moments I was given, I managed to squeeze in doing the laundry and vacuuming, but every remaining moment was focused on Nacho.

I also managed to snap a photo of my webtoon notebook. This is only sketch I’ve done so far. All I know is that there’s a community college involved and all of the students and teachers are animals. There’s a time, too. It’s going to be awesome fun…when I get the time to work on it.

New Man In Town, Nacho the Pug

I spent the day driving around Southern Oregon. The goal: bring Nacho home. We passed through Talent and Phoenix and saw that they’re still recovering from last year’s wildfire. We ended up in Eagle Point, where we picked up Nacho. He’s a 10-week old pug and he weighs 5 lbs. He’s never walked on a leash before and he moves like liquid mercury. He already know how to wrap the leash around my legs and tie it into a bow knot.

Willy had a hard time accepting a new guy into his space. But things are looking up. While bonding over a some dried banana treats, a truce ensued. Willy, by the way, is a pretty much hairless Pomeranian, but he’s cool with it. In fact, he’s completely unaware that he’s as bald as I am.

I’ll get back to art soon as we all find a comfortable groove.