Willy the Pomeranian is home from the hospital

Willie the Pomeranian is back at home with us. He’s alert, and a little subdued. He’s be eating special rations to get some food into him, but he’s not eating his regular food yet. He’s taking two medications and probiotics to help allay some of the side effects of antibiotics. He seems spunky, but I’m cautiously reserved. The doctor is, too — she gave me her number in case I need to text her over the weekend.

I’m also preparing for a big influx of clients on Monday…about 70 fresh faces will be joining the project for the intensive 8-week challenge. It’s going to be more hectic than usual for the next two months. I don’t expect to spend significant time on my book during that time, but after the second week of December I’ll be on a six-week break from my contract job. I’m hoping that I can miraculously complete my third book in that brief spell of calm between the storms.

Willy in the hospital with an infection, but doing better, and a sketch with Krita

A disappointed youth

When in doubt, sketch. So, today’s sketch wsa done with Krita 5.0beta. I used the RGBA 0il Brush for the hair and a pencil for the linework. Krita has great oily brushes.

The vet discovered that Willy the Pomeranian has an infection of the bowels. He has to stay overnight at the hospital, but I expect him to be home tomorrow. He’s on antibiotics and probiotics. It feels weird that he’s not here with us.

New Man In Town, Nacho the Pug


I spent the day driving around Southern Oregon. The goal: bring Nacho home. We passed through Talent and Phoenix and saw that they’re still recovering from last year’s wildfire. We ended up in Eagle Point, where we picked up Nacho. He’s a 10-week old pug and he weighs 5 lbs. He’s never walked on a leash before and he moves like liquid mercury. He already know how to wrap the leash around my legs and tie it into a bow knot.

Willy had a hard time accepting a new guy into his space. But things are looking up. While bonding over a some dried banana treats, a truce ensued. Willy, by the way, is a pretty much hairless Pomeranian, but he’s cool with it. In fact, he’s completely unaware that he’s as bald as I am.

I’ll get back to art soon as we all find a comfortable groove.