Willy in the hospital with an infection, but doing better, and a sketch with Krita

A disappointed youth

When in doubt, sketch. So, today’s sketch wsa done with Krita 5.0beta. I used the RGBA 0il Brush for the hair and a pencil for the linework. Krita has great oily brushes.

The vet discovered that Willy the Pomeranian has an infection of the bowels. He has to stay overnight at the hospital, but I expect him to be home tomorrow. He’s on antibiotics and probiotics. It feels weird that he’s not here with us.

Pages Two and Three A Little More Developed

I trust in my one-inch a day mantra. Sometimes I do the math and think, one inch a day is too slow to meet my deadlines. The truth is that one inch is all I can do. I’ll just keep plugging away.

It’s not that I work on my book eight hours a day. I do think about it most of the day, but I have other things I want to do. Family time comes first — I’m not an artist who will sacrifice his family to the Art goddess. I work out everyday for about one and half hours. I usually get to work on my book at about 1:30 p.m. and work until about 7:30, at which time I make my daily journal post to this blog. Sometimes I feel exhausted and drained and decide the best thing to do is to get a few moments of sleep. I also like to walk my dog for about a half hour a day. I have a rich life, one in which every important person in my life gets my time and gives me some of their time.

An inch forward everyday is a good thing in my world.

Inking the final images, part one


I inked three of the six final pictures today. As I was splattering away I realized that I have two pictures that pretty much tell the same story (1 and 2 below), which means that I will eventually decide which one goes in the book.

I had time to scan these three images, but not enough time to clean them up. So be it. Tomorrow I’ll airdrop these three into Sketchbook on my iPad and massage them a little.

Here’s a description of my artistic day. I get off work about 5 pm and chill with my family (my partner and our two dogs) until about 6 pm. From there we all go about our evening activities until 7:30 pm. I use those 90 minutes to sketch, draw, ink, scan, and run the drawings through Photoshop. After that I quickly write the daily blog post. I blog using Squarespace. At 8 pm we all gather together again and end our day with another hour of family time. Then to bed at 9 pm or so. It’s a wonderful life.