Chore Day, Feb 29 -- Cooking (as usual), Doing Laundry, and Drawing Hands

Graphite and Brush Pen

Graphite and Brush Pen

Chores, chores, chores! Some days I embrace them, and other days I’m out of touch with them. Today was a day of being present. My chores — doing laundry and cooking food for the week — give a gnawing feeling that I should be working on my book. My chores were a welcome relief from drawing and learning Clip Studio Paint EX. For the first time in months, I slept a solid 7 1/2 hours without waking up. What’s going on with me? Have I had an elevation of consciousness? Have I “leveled up” to a new plateau of awareness? Or was I exhausted and simply lucky enough to get a good night’s sleep?

I’ve been drawing lots of hands lately. Hands baffle me. What works best for me is to draw every bone as a cylinder and every joint as a sphere. Doing a wire frame for hands gets me to the point that I can draw an almost human hand…almost. The effort is worth it. Hands are a comics artist’s best tell for showing a character’s emotion. Practice! Practice! Practice!