I Upgraded to Clip Studio Paint EX for the Project Management Tools

clip_studio_layers_blog.png project management, file manager, Clip Studio Paint EX

I have a problem organizing files. I’m messy. When I created my first book I had files stashed on my iPad, my iMac, my Linux machine, and on my Windows computer. Several important file got lost. Others were accidentally overwritten and had to be recreated. With Clip Studio Paint Ex, and the Clip Studio Cloud, I can manage all of the books files within Clip Studio. I’m using WIndows these days, but if I decide to use my Mac, the project can be imported from the Clip Studio Cloud. Nice. BTW, the 10GB Clip Studio Cloud is part of the Clip Studio package. Nice touch.

Also, Clip Studio Paint EX can export my book as an ePub. I haven’t tried doing that yet to see how it works — if it works, great. If not, I’ll use InDesign, which definitely can generate valid ePubs that are acceptable by Ingramspark.

The image above shows the Clip Studio Paint EX project view with a few files imported. So far, so good. I expect that I’ll encounter a learning curve at some point, but for now, I’m able to use EX just fine.