Storyboard for the Final Pages

Today, in a burst of energy, I completed the storyboard for book three. This the second storyboard for this book. I made one when I first started the book six months ago, but over time the plot has evolved in new directions and I really needed to get my story clearly fixed in my mind.

With the new storyboard, I have a lot of pages to complete before my new September deadline. My page total is now about 70 pages, a lot more than the 48 I originally aimed for. More pages means that the book is more expensive to print. If I print the book as 8x8 inches, I’ll have to raise the price to $13.99 so that I’m not operating at a loss. If I print the book at A5 size, I can keep the book price at $9.99. Here’s a link to the Ingramspark publisher compensation calculator I use to figure out the pricing for my books.

Whatever edits I have to make later, it’s good to have the plot clear in my mind so that I don’t spontaneously go insane and start changing the plot.

Almost Al Fresco Art Club, June 20, 2021


Oh, no! My friends have been turned into stone statues!

Today we resolved to restart the Al Fresco Art Club on July 5. We’re finally getting back into our pre-puppy and post-injury groove. I’m looking forward to doing normal things.

In this picture, Betty has just realized that while she wasn’t paying attention, the angry volcano demon has turned Jimmy Jay and Dylan Dolphin into stone statues. Oh, dear!