Under the weather

I’m not feeling great today. I haven’t eaten for the last 24 hours. The idea of eating is unthinkable. The cause…I’ve tracked it down to a bad bottle of very expired buffalo sauce.

Despite feeling like shit, I was able to finish page 15, which has been languishing in an incomplete state for over a year. In this picture we see that Jimmy and Betty have been rescued by a mysterious character, a dolphin.

Almost Al Fresco Art Club, June 20, 2021


Oh, no! My friends have been turned into stone statues!

Today we resolved to restart the Al Fresco Art Club on July 5. We’re finally getting back into our pre-puppy and post-injury groove. I’m looking forward to doing normal things.

In this picture, Betty has just realized that while she wasn’t paying attention, the angry volcano demon has turned Jimmy Jay and Dylan Dolphin into stone statues. Oh, dear!

Moving on to the Reading Comics Picture -- The Boys Meet Betty Burro

reading_comics_blog.png, reading comics, swallows, Clip Studio Paint

Today I began work on the next picture in my children’s picture book. This picture shows the boys reading comics with Betty Burro, their new friend.. Behind them a flight of swallows is reading over their shoulder.

Yesterday I bought Frenden’s 800+ Clip Studio Brush pack. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to avoid brain freeze when I sort through the blizzard of brushes that “mega” brush packs throw at me. I consider myself fortunate if I can find one good pencil, one good ink pen, and a decent textured paintbrush for every 1,000 brushes I try. The best brushes I know of are the Frankentoon Procreate brushes, which I’ve mentioned before. I hoping that I’ll find — and be able to use to the best of my ability — a few good brushes in the Frenden brush pack.

And one more thing…I installed Clip Studio Paint Ex on my iPad Pro and signed up for the subscription, which give me a six-month free trial. There a big “but” — with the iPad there’s always the problem of using the rather dumb IOS file system to move files from the iPad to Windows. Apple should really put some thought into making the File App useful.

And So, On to the Next Page -- Nice to Meet You

handshake_blog.png, Betty Burro, Children's picture book, Clip Studio Paint

Jimmy and Buddy meet Betty Burro, who happens to be going to Guadalajara, Mexico to visit her family. Buddy is going to bond with her immediately, and Jimmy is glad to have company. He likes her stylish boots and pink hair. I’m working on getting some contrast into this picture by adjusting colors. The finished picture will have more punch.