The First 28 Pages of My Third Children's Adventure Picture Book

I’ve been working on this book since January, 2021. My original goal was to complete the book by March. I assumed that I wouldn’t be working at an outside job. As luck would have it, I’ve been working full-time at doing contract work since February and I’ve been working only part-time on my book. At the moment I have an eight-week hiatus until my next five-month contract starts. I’m hoping to make a lot of progress during that break.

So far I’ve created 28 pages, some are finished and some are unfinished. One thing conspicuously missing from most of the images is dialog balloons. I’ll add those in eventually.

When I consider that I have three more books to write in the Jimmy Jay series, I get a queasy feeling — at the rate I’m going, it will take three more years to complete those books. My goal of making a living selling my work is looking more distant than ever. I’d like to think that some day I’ll have a six-book series that somehow goes viral, but I have to look beyond that goal and focus on the gift that I will surely give myself as I complete this series: the pleasure of learning how to draw and paint and tell a story.