Chore Day, Oct 30, 2021 and Another Inch Forward

Betty Burro, Children's Picture Book, Determination, Children's Picture Book, Easter Island, Moai, Clip Studio Paint EX

Tdoay’s chores were vacuuming and doing massive laundry. Instead of the normal two or three loads, I had five today. It was a very exciting day.

Afterwards I had a tempeh sandwich and borscht for lunch. For dessert I had two raw chocolate cookies. Yum. I mean it. As a former junk food addict, I can say that these raw cookies are better that those greasy mall cookies.

To top off my day, I experimented with Krita 5 Beta with this picture of Betty Burro. The hatching on the collar of her shirt is very cartoony, but that’s not Krita’s problem — it’s mine.