Chore Day, Jan 2, 2021 -- The Year Changes, The Chores Remain The Same

Jimmy meets Tupa

After doing the laundry and vacuuming, I returned to figuring out how I’m going to draw the moai character I introduced yesterday, when I drew a girl moai. Today, however, I decided the character will be a boy. Flip, flop! That’s just the way it goes when I’m brainstorming my stories. I start by visualizing a scene, adventure, or a place. When an idea grabs me, I may mull over the idea for weeks, or even months before I start writing and drawing. For this book, I first imagined that Jimmy and Betty Burro would find themselves washed up on the beach at Easter Island. My second thought was to introduce a whale character who will be a central character in fourth book in the series. Then, out of nowhere, it popped into my head that I needed a moai character. So now, Tupa will have an important role in the story.

There’s no logic or planning involved in all of this. Once the characters and setting take over in my imagination, the story takes on a life of its own.