More of the Same, Again...Replacing Low-res Images, That is

Today I spent most of my Art time trying to get my Plustek A3 scanner working with Linux…so far it’s a no-go. It turns out that Linux can’t deal with certain scanners because of hardware incompatibilities. And, Plustek is one of those corporations that doesn’t care about Linux. With that in mind, I tried using Virtualbox to install Windows, which does work with my scanner. I planned to open a Windows session (in Linux) and use my scanner as I would use it with Windows. But, alas! Virtualbox doesn’t want to recognize my USB ports. I’m optimistic that I’ll eventually find a very technical solution. I have to remind myself that there are some tasks that are much harder — and sometime impossible — with free software.

In the meantime, I spent my remaing Art time tracking down low-res images in my InDesign document. This is the single image I replaced today. As I’ve said before, and inch a day keeps the fire burning.