Some Days Art Takes a Back Seat

Today I had an appointment with a new doctor at his office in The Big City. In my neck of the woods, the big city is Medford, Oregon. After the appointment I went to Central Art, our brick and mortar art supplies oasis, and bought several tubes of M. Graham gouache, Lamp Black, Ivory Black, Burnt Sienna, Payne’s Grey, Dioxazine Purple, and Hooker’s Green. And a small Mini Sidekick Artbin to hold my gouache kit.

Though I was out and about most of the day, I made time to choose the next landscape image that needs to be edited to fit nicely into my square printed page format. In the image below, I will extend that chimney and fade it away before it reaches the top edge of the page. By doing a fade, I can use this image without going into the bleed area.