Page 19 Again, with Tupa

Time ran out today before I could finish painting Tupa Moai. I’ll get to him tomorrow. Painting waterfalls is hard. I’ll give that another go. And the water isn’t quite the right color. Details, details, details!

A New Page 19 Showing Tupa Moai Emerging from a Waterfall

My sketch of Tupa Moai coming out of a tunnel hidden behind a waterfall

As I look over my story from a high level, I see that I have to tweak the plot to make it flow better, which means adding a few new images. For example, I originally planned to have Tupa Moai yelling at the kids to stop climbing on the sleeping Moai. Now my plan is to introduce him by showing him emerging from behind a waterfall.

All of these changes make me sleepy — I took two naps today. I always feel weary when I’m doing something hard. In the past I tried to resist my brain’s urge to be unconscious, but now I just pay attention and take a 15-minute nap.