Page 49 Redux and Resketched

That’s a big tabby!

That’s a big tabby!

Today I felt like throwing in the towel. I’ve been depressed about getting so little work done on my book. Between work and the new puppy, I have zero time. At the end of the day, I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing. I’m feeling resentful about work and resentful about the time I spend with the puppy trying to help him become a member of the family. He’s a pug. He’s a slow learner, and he’s able to get into trouble if I look away from him for 5 seconds. There’s no way I can focus. It sucks.

But I’ve grown to love Nacho. I’m committed to him for all time. I’m there for him.

As for the job, I’ll never turn down paying work. Between work and our new family member, the book fades to insignificance. I begin to think the books will never sell. No one will read them. Why bother? My plan for making enough of a living to cut back on contract work will never happen at the rate I’m working and improving. I don’t do anything with social media except this blog, which gets random 20 hits a month. There’s no future in anonymity.

But, the inch a day engine kicks in me won’t let me quit. My family believes in me. Deep down, I believe in myself. I’ll keep on trucking into infinity. Where there’s life, there’s hope.