The Solution for Clip Studio Paint Text Lag Woes

Example Clip Studio Paint text bubble

Here’s my problem. Text operations with Clip Studio Paint on my iMac are cruelly slow. In fact anything to do with CSP and text is unworkable. I suspected that the fault lay with Clip Studio Paint. But I was wrong. CSP just sucks on iMac. All week I’ve been cursing Clip Studio Paint, but today I thought, “I should try creating text bubbles on Windows to verify that CSP sucks.” I tested and everything was was snappy and smooth on my seven-year old Windows rig, with no lag and no frustration. So I’m switching back to working my Windows machine tomorrow so that I can get back on schedule. Hooray!

A promise to myself: I will never again buy an all-in-one desktop setup of any brand. In fact I promise myself that I will never buy another computer from Apple.