Just keep movin', folks. Nothing to see here.

My inch forward today is nothing more than opening InDesign and staring at the screen. I scrolled through my book from beginning to end and began to feel the pressure of the blank front matter and back matter. There’s a lot of empty space that needs something to fill it up.

  • I have to create the realistic images of the Steller’s Jay and Monarch Butterfly for the back matter.

  • For the copyright page I need an ISBN number — in fact, I have to buy a batch of 10 ISBN numbers to get a decent price for the two that I’ll need, one for the print book and one for the e-book.

  • I need a bar code for the last page and the cover, which shouldn’t be a big deal — there’s software for that sort of thing.

  • Oh, yeah…I need to create a cover image. I just thought of that after 8 months of nothing thinking about it. The book has to have a cover.

And that’s it, as far as I know … at this point. I’m wised up enough to know that I really don’t know what I’m clueless about. I overlooked the cover. What else did I forget? We’ll find out.

No picture today. That’s sad. Between my day job and tweaking the pages and text, I haven’t drawn or painted anything since the last meeting of the Al Fresco Art Club four day ago.