Redrawing Page 19, Again


I’m dissatisfied with my previous version of page 19. The idea for that picture was to show how tall the moai were. The kids were looking upwards as if they were looking at a skyscraper, but the perspective wasn’t convincing. So, I decided to draw from an overhead perspective. So far, I’ve got this rough sketch of a moai toppled onto his back, eyes closed, dreaming of better days. It’s hard to tell how large he is. The next time I have a chance to work on this picture I’ll draw the kids standing on top of him as they try to get a better view of the island.

Alfresco Art Club, May 31, 2020: It's About Your Perspective

Today’s art club challenge was to do exercises to improve a problematic technique. This challenge is intended to get us out of our comfortable groove. I decided to sketch a walking figure using a bird’s eye perspective.

Lately I’ve had to confront my lack of perspective drawing skills as I try to draw a downward perspective of a character walking in front of his friends as he guides them into the jungle. So far I haven’t got it right.

Today I began confidently by drawing from imagination. My drawing looked awkward, so I and finished by drawing from a reference photo. I definitely should have started by drawing from reference.

Learning how to draw perspective

Learning how to draw perspective