Chore Day, Feb 2 6, 2022 with some time to work on page 61

Once I add the tabby cat’s stripes I can move on to page 62. There are more than 75 pages in this book, up from about 48 in the previous book. More pages means I have to charge more to break even, which is good enough. The money from sales is nice, but wait until Hollywood/Netflix/Prime/Hulu start a bidding war for the rights. Hey, I’m just kidding, but not really. Stranger things have happened.

Added Raggedy Ann Doll and sketch for floating magical cat

Today I advanced not one, but two inches. I was able to leave my contract job an hour early, which gave me an opportunity to put more time into….yes, page 61. Once I polish up the floating cat, I’ll be able to move on to page 62! Although, when I look at the position of the cat, she’s too close to the margin. I’ll have to shrink the page and more everything to the right. I’ll also have to fill in the margins.

And, in this picture I gave her a tail. I’m going to go back to every page she appears in and add a tail.