Sep 9, 2021 -- A No-art Day

No time to work on my book today… Though I didn’t work on my book, I was able to do my one-hour workout, my 30 minutes of practicing Swedish, and another 15 minutes doing the back stretches I’ve been doing since my injury a few months ago.

My contract job is going eerily smoothly — all of the participants have completed the prerequisites, and that’s weird. Usually I have to do remedial work with many of the clients. But not this time. It’s great to be working with so many smart people.

Chore Day, August 28, 2021


Chore Day arrived again. As usual, I vacuumed the house and did the laundry. I thought of making some vegan cheese sauce, but that seemed like more than I could handle. I’ll do it tomorrow. At 3 pm I tried sketching but fell asleep. I also thought of spending 30 minutes studying Swedish, but didn’t have the will or energy of open the book.

On the other hand, I went for a one hour family walk this morning. We took our usual route and walked up to Ridge Road. There are sensational views of the mountains and canyons. With the smoke we experiencing, there are magnificent examples atmospheric perspective as the Siskiyou Moutains fade into the smoke.

Swedish is a fun language with many words shared with English. The spelling and pronunciation are tricky but learnable with lots of study. After 30 minutes of study, my brain feels like it’s been through a heavy weight session at the gym. Learning is hard work.