A Little Color to Perk Up My Day

It’s always fun to throw some paint on the page. After spending several weeks to draw some simple characters using the Paint Studio Pro EX bezier pen, I feel that I deserve a little amusement before I continue working on with this page. It’s the drawing background scene that’s going to be hard — there’s going to be a crowd of Moai leaving the soccer stadium.

Thank you, Color, for making my day. Oh, I should mention that my work load at my contract job just tripled. It’s part of the job. That’s life!

Page 64, with sketchy background and Kitty Kat riding high

The volcano demon, also known as a magical tabby cat, is celebrating her victory. There’s a lot going on in this picture and I’m still learning how to use bezier curves. It’s fun and I plan to practice hard and get good at using the pen tool. When I say good, I really mean okay, competent.

Fiddling with the scoreboard

The big change to the scoreboard was to replace the shaky hand lettering with a digital typeface. Somethings need to look mechanical and geometric and objects that the brain knows to be rectilinear should be rectilinear, such as scoreboards.