Chore day, March 12, and my new gadget -- the Sketchboard Pro for iPad

Sketchboard Pro for iMac

The Sketchboard Pro makes the iPad easier to use. One of the design flaws for the iPad, where drawing and painting are concerned, is the lack of a wide bezel like what you see with Wacom Cintiqs. The Sketchboard Pro supplies the wide bezel I need for drawing to edges and corners of the screen. Now the the iPad has the feel of using a Cintiq, I’m thinking of doing my next children’s picture book using the iPad and Artrage Vitae or Procreate.

Oh! There were chores today: doing laundry, vacuuming the house, and doing some yard work. Tomorrow I’ll be cooking a ragu with lentil sauce, some millet meatballs (let’s hope they’re good!), some whole wheat biscotti, and apricot/fig cookies. Sound yummy to me.