Page 23 Again, with 3D Modeling Coming to the Rescue

I’ve been having trouble drawing this page…lots of trouble. My imagination failed to help me visualize the 3/4 overhead view of the kids running away from the volcano demon. I was feeling discouraged, and then today I admitted that I need help for this — I realized that I could create a reference image of a chubby kid running with Clip Studio Paint EX’s 3D modeling feature.

One of the body-type settings controls the head to height ratio, which I set to 5 heads tall for a kid. A typical adult ration would be 8 heads tall. CSP also has options for skinniness and chubbiness. I chose a chubby body type for Jimmy. When kids are too thin, or their heads are too small, they start looking old.

To complete this picture I’ll reuse this 3D model for the other three characters, Betty Burro, Dewey Dolphin, and Tupa Moai. When I’ve got all of the characters finished I’ll reduce their sizes so everything fits on the page.

NOTE TO SELF: Make this picture a two-page spread.