More Concept Drawings, with Magic Volcano Spirits Involved

More brainstorming and sketching today… As you can see, Jimmy and Sally (a baby whale) have been turned into moai by the cranky volcano spirit. It looks pretty bad for them. The big moai have been asleep for 500 years. I’d hate to see Jimmy and Sally turn into stone over the centuries. I hope that one of their friends will come up with an ingenious plan to rescue them!

My Adobe Creative Cloud subscription expired today. I’ve renewed it through my work — Adobe CC is one of the perks we part-timers get. It will take three of four days to wrap up the red tape. Until then I’ll be using Clip Studio Paint EX for everything. CSP is really a competent tool, like a Swiss Army Knife for graphic art. Before I settled on Clip Studio Paint, I pulled up my copy Affinity Photo and gave it a try. It was a no go for me. CSP rocks the party, really.

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