Not All Crocodiles Are Vegans

As the kids make their escape with the help of a Caracara eagle, it becomes clear that not all crocodiles are harmless vegans, no matter what the crocodiles may be

The colors used in these images are not the final colors — they’re the “flat” colors. I tried something different when it came to painting this picture: I “flatted” the colors first. Flatting is a technique used in the comic book industry to make coloring easier for the “colorist”, the artist who has the job of painting the final colors. The job of the flatter is to select each object and give it a random, unique color. For example, the river is cyan, the near mountains are a shade of green, the mid-distance mountains are blue, and the distant mountains are purple. All of the crocodiles are the same unique shade of green, making it easy for the colorist to select all of the crocodiles at once when coloring them.

My flatting resources: