Still Working on the Picture of A Jaybird, a Butterfly, and a Burro Eating Vegan Burritos

still_working_burritos_blog.png, daily post, clips tudio paint EX, progress, children's picture book

One inch at a time was my motto during the year it took me to write and draw my first book, The Jaybird That Jumped Down a Chimner. I thought the second book would be easier, but it’s just as hard as the first because I’m trying solve harder problems. I’ve been drawing in Clip Studio Paint for a few months and I feel more comfortable every day. I’ve noticed that whenever I’m learning something new and feel frustrated, I blame the equipment, the graphics program, the computer, the watercolor paint, the brushes, the paper. I buy lots of stuff that will magically make the task go better. But I never get better at painting or drawing just buying a new brush or pen. A new drawing tablet doesn’t do it. A faster computer doesn’t do it. The only thing that helps me get better is drawing, painting, and more drawing and painting. I know that’s obvious, but it has taken me a long time to realize that practice is the only thing that makes you better.