Rough Sketching Goes On and the Color of Bananas

Today I got a late start. I did cardio and weights on the same day. I usually alternate days of cardio and weights. After lunch I found myself falling asleep at the wheel (my pen display), which led to a nap. At 2 pm I was awake enough to get some work done, including two sketches for pages 17 and 18. My “process” is to do all of the roughs at full-size, then go through them one at a time to do the inking, then go through them again to add the color. One inch at a time may sound like a long and slow grind, but it works. Art soldering is the way to get the work done.

Pages 17 and 18. Today I learned that bananas are at most a yellow green when they’re still on the tree. I also learned Mexico produces about 4% of the world’s bananas. That’s plenty of bananas as far as the plot of my story is concerned.

book-2-17_blog.jpg Page 18 rough, children's picture book
book-2-18_blog.jpg rough sketch, children's picture book