Finished #10, Momma Jay Warning Kids

Posting everyday has been a boon. I’ve learned to honor my limits. When it’s 7:15 I stop whatever I’m doing — inking, painting, drawing. When the day’s time is gone, my day’s work is over. I export the image and write a little post like this one. I call it a day and move on to family time.

My new attitude has carried over to my day job. In the past I’ve worked extra hours to finish up some incomplete project. Sometimes I would toil away until midnight just to be able to check the task off my to-do list. But I don’t do that anymore. Now, when it’s 5 PM, I check out. Whatever is left undone can wait until tomorrow. I like this way of living.

Here’s Momma Jay Warning the Kids in it’s final form. I may yet tweak some of the line work. In this project, nothing is ever complete, perfect, or finished.