Chore Day, November 30, 2019 -- Cooking and Krita

It was another chore day around here, with lots of important tasks on the agenda. Since the refrigerator was looking abandoned, I restocked with a week’s worth of meals — yellow rice with lentils and broccoli, muffins, some baked sweet potatoes, and lots of v-dog burgers for my furry friends. I usually spend about six hours cooking. By the end of the day I was ready to swear off of cooking forever.

Here’s something I made with Krita. When I look at that guy’s foot, I have to laugh. Drawing from the imagination — my imagination, at least — can lead to some very crazy poses.

Krita has so many features and options that I feel lost. There are menus and sub-menus, with a brush engine that has dozens of options, with more menus and sub-menus. I feel like I’m in a hall of mirrors. But I feel the same way when I open Affinity Photo. The truth is, whenever I learn a new program, my first impression is that I’m going to be creating works of art in minutes, and then I have to face the facts — it will take me just as much time to learn the new program as it took me to learn my way around Photoshop.