Sep 14, 2021 -- More of the same

No art going on today. All of my time went into my day job. That’s not a bad thing — what I’m doing is cool and I enjoy aspects of it. What I’ve noticed is that challenging technical tasks re-energize my lifelong interest in solving complex problems.

I was one of those kids who got a chemistry set for Christmas and made rocket propellant. I was a builder — hi-fi amplifiers, loudspeakers, computers, and guitars. I’ve never been bored when I’m on my own time. However, when I’m working on someone else’s dream project, my enthusiasm for doing begins to wane. What works for me is to do short-term contracts, and spend my off-contract time working on my own projects in the hope that they will generate enough income that I no longer have to compromise.

In the past I spent years writing novels and short stories. I became a photographer and sold pictures to the local newspaper, but photos lost their fascination and I wanted to be more expressive — that meant drawing and painting. At the moment, I’m madly in love with the idea of marrying my drawings and writing into children’s book and serious comix.

In December I’ll be an unencumbered artist once again and I will revel in that.