Lesson 6 -- Painting Architecture Using Corel Painter 2021

Blocking out the shapes. To be continued…

Today I began with high hopes that Lesson 6 of Isis Sousa’s digital painting course would be easier than painting foliage or flowers. After all, I thought, this temple has straight lines and flat surfaces. Painting straight lines is tough, but, as I discovered, getting the subtle proportions of this temple right is really challenging. I spent most of the evening trying to block in the shapes, painting them in, then painting over them, again and again. This painting will take several days.

The assignment is to use the Corel Painter Grainy Pressure Knife, part of the Sargent brush collection in Corel Painter 2021. The brush has low opacity at the beginning of the stroke and 100% opacity at the end, just the opposite of the brushes I’m used. It takes some getting used to.