What Used to Be Alfresco Art Club Day, Sunday, July 11

Painted with Krita, the eyes corrected, as well as possible, in Photoshop. I couldn’t figure out how to use Krita’s selection tools. Too bad Photoshop can’t use Krita brushes.

Painted with Krita, the eyes corrected, as well as possible, in Photoshop. I couldn’t figure out how to use Krita’s selection tools. Too bad Photoshop can’t use Krita brushes.

Today started with our usual walk. We (my partner, Willy, Nacho, and myself), head up the steep street that goes up to the ridge of the mountain behind our house. From there we can see the top of Mt. Ashland and to the north, the Rogue Valley. If we look South we can see California only 20 miles away. When we return I make myself a gigantic chocolate kale banana smoothy that fills the 64-ounce Vitamix container. It’s awesome.

I’m enjoying pencil and paper, at least for the past week. I’m trying to evolve a simple style that I can use for one-cell cartoons. I’m thinking of just a line drawing with a single sentence beneath it, like all of those New Yorker cartoons, and Gary Larson’s The Far Side. Those cartoons are perfection, imitated but never surpassed.

Al Fresco Art Club Challenge: Create a One-Panel Comic

Today’s art club challenge was to do something amusing — draw a one page comic. I’ve been thinking of drawing a heads-up logo to use at my day job because I’m always using the phrase “heads up!” when I send out emails to my customers to gently inform them of important details about the project that they will probably overlook. My favorite falling piano cartoon is Gary Larson’s. I would link to it on Pinterest, but I know that he detests how people have appropriated his comics on the Web.