Clip Studio Paint EX Update Bombs

I had only a few minutes to work on my book today, and when I opened Clip Studio Paint I was greeted with a cheery message — there’s a new version of CSP with new brushes and other cool junk. So I naively installed the latest and greatest version.

To my dismay, my new PC with it’s stellar CPU suddenly slowed down to the pace of my 1985 Kaypro. No big deal, I naively thought. There are bugs. I’ll revert to the previous version, 1.10.6. It took less than 5 minutes to remove and reinstall CSP. Then came the big surprise — when I tried to open an image that I had edited in the latest and greatest version, it was locked. My image could no longer be edited in version 1.10.6. I’m officially screwed. The only way I can recover that image is to upgrade again.

Well, all of this angst and hustle and bustle and flaky software is too much un-fun for me. I’m going to call it a long, disappointing day and go watch some CHINA, IL. It’s not disappointing in any way.