Putting Together A Portable Wacom Setup

Krita, Wacom One, Windows 10 Laptop

I want a portable graphics station that I can move around the house. When it’s too hectic in the studio and I need a quiet place to think, I’ll be able to go downstairs to work . My hardware is an 8-year old laptop and a 12-year old medium sized Wacom tablet, both of which still can do their job. I have access to a nifty Wacom One pen display that has a drawing area about the size of my large iPad. The Wacom One has a great display and stylus and it has the added advantage that I can use the desktop versions of Krita, InDesign, Clip Studio Paint, and Photoshop.

I drew the picture above at an impromptu, unscheduled Al Fresco Art Club Challenge. I was just sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop experimenting with the Wacom One when my partner joined me to do a pastel drawing. We worked together for an hour for the first time six months. It was fun just sitting there quietly with her, working together.