The border crossing painting showing Buddy Butterfly airlifting Betty Burro

Buddy Butterfly is a mere stealth shadow in this preliminary picture

I settled, at last, on gouache-like brush from the Frenden Clip Studio Brush collection. It’s called “Painterly (Opacity & Flow). I changed the brush’s texture to the default canvas texture and made a few changes so that the brush is a blender when used with low pressure.

Dealing with thousands of brushes is grueling and time-consuming work and no painting gets done. But I felt compelled to try to make my own brushes. When I finally lay defeated in the field, unable to make a pleasing brush with texture, I went back to my paid collections, Daub and Frenden, and gave them a second, third, and fourth look. Still confused by too many options, I finally surrendered and knew that I should just get back to painting with any brush! That is, any brush that has opacity jitter, a hard edge, and good texture.

My brush sources: