Lesson Four -- Decaying Leaves

Painted on one layer using a modified Speckle Grainy Hard Dip brush in the Corel Painter Sargent collection.

Today’s I completed lesson 4 of Isis Sousa’s helpful Corel Painter course. This lesson emphasized simplifying a complex scene (rotting leaves on a gravel background), analyzing value, determining colors correctly, and working on edges. My painting vaguely resembles the reference photo, and my colors are unique to my brain, but the painting is a success. I immensely enjoy painting on one layer.

I had trouble modifying the brush for this assignment. The goal was to change the Speckle Grainy Hard Dip brush so that it would behave like the Sargent brush, with low opacity at the beginning of the stroke and high opacity at the end. My brush turned out just the opposite; it laid on the paint thick at the beginning and faded away at the end. It worked out okay because of a happy accident — when the brush stopped painting, it started smudging and pulling paint around like a champion. Corel Painter brush setting are crazy complex.