Al Fresco Art Club Challenge, Dec. 20, 2020 - Paint From A Master (Howard Pyle)

Painting from Marooned, Howard Pyle, 1909, painted with Clip Studio Paint

Today’s challenge was to copy from one of our favorite Golden Age illustrators. My favorite of that gang is Howard Pyle. I was introduced to his illustrations as a kid by my uncle Roy. He had heard that I was an eager reader. He gave me an illustrated classic work of literature every Christmas until I turned into a surly teenager. There was Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Dr Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, and Treasure Island. I loved the illustrations in Treasure Island most of all.

Today I decided to copy Pyle’s Marooned because it’s one of Howard Pyle’s simpler paintings. I got the colors right, but the figure needs some work; he doesn’t convey the emotions of a man marooned on a desolate island. My guy looks like he’s taking a nap. It amazes me that I can look directly at a reference but miss the important details.