Chore day, Aug 17, 2019...Krita, Krita, Krita

Today was chore day. Once again I spent the morning cooking up some chow for my Pug. Besides that, I had a few moments to ponder my future with Krita. I’ve noticed that whenever I sit down to explore Krita, I realize that there’s a lot to learn before I’ll be competent with it. The thought of learning something new, as I’ve mentioned before, causes me great weariness and lethargy. Even dread. I do realize that learning something new is hard. It’s not Krita that’s hard; it’s familiar territory, pretty much like other drawing applications. What’s hard is actually doing digital painting. It’s all new to me. I’ve watch hundreds of painting videos, but now I’m actually trying to make my own painting. My plan is to find a really basic painting tutorial and start by drawing spheres, boxes, pyramids, and cylinders.

The image below shows what I can do now. BTW, this is the second painting I’ve attempted with Krita. I’m going to stop counting now.