The way you look when you want to do something you know you shouldn't


Today a simple picture of a boy who has to say “no” to his best friend. Head bowed, slumping, arms showing that “what can I do” feeling. Now that’s a good kid! He’s definitely a got more will power than I had when I was a young bird…kid.

Some pages need just a simple picture. I’m thankful that idea appeals to me, but I didn’t get it until I drew too many pictures with too much going on. Now that the deadline of March 31 is crashing down on me, I’m all for simplicity.

Pen and ink scanned as “text”. The great thing about scanning as text is that all of the blacks are pure black and everything that’s not black is white. There are no midtones, which means less time spent cleaning up smudges.

emotion in children's books, embarassment, yearning