I Bought 10 ISBN Numbers for My Children's Picture Books, Present and Future

I finally committed to going all in — today I bought a 10-pack of ISBN numbers from Bowker. I’ve spent the last week doing my research and began to feel confident about the next step in publishing my book. I reached the point where the only thing to do was just push the button and get the damned numbers. Here’s an example of what a barcode of one of my numbers looks like:

barcode_blog.jpg barcode children's picture book

This barcode was created using the barcode generator at the friendly and helpful https://bookow.com web site. The Bookow barcode generator creates the barcode for the ISBN number and the required 5-digit barcode that contains the price of the book. Very cool.

As for barcodes, everything I know about barcodes I learned from MelindaMartin.me.