Wrapping up the storyboard for my children’s book


Today I wrapped up the storyboard. I’m happy to say that despite my Inner Critic telling me that my new story really sucked and that I should come up with a new plot, I turned down the volume on that voice and turned up the volume on the Milt Jackson album and went about my business.

The page below will give an idea of what my concept of how I do storyboard. At least this is my concept of my first story board. It may look a little chaotic and verbose, but it’s all going to be okay. I now have a starting point for creating the final drawings.

After experimenting with gouache, limited palettes, heavy outlines, grisaille, I’ve decided to return to my natural style, which is simple pen and ink…with a little watercolor wash now and then.

In my world a bird can talk to people, and the other way around, or course.